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Organc Food Less Toxic And More Antioxidants

A recent study by Newcastle University shows that organic foods have a much lower toxicity of heavy metal than non-organic foods. Organic foods also have an increase in the intake of antioxidants. There has been a lot of debate over the merits of eating organic food instead of conventionally produced food, but not much evidence to support one side of the other. However, the Newcastle University study shows clearly that there is a distinct difference between organic foods and conventional foods. The conclusion is clear: organic food is less toxic and healthier than conventionally grown food.

This is not just good news to organic farmers and those who are promoting organic foods. It vindicates people who have made eating organic and natural foods a priority in their lives. And that is just what we have done at Fire Mountain. Organic and natural food have always been a priority at Fire Mountain. Our kitchen provides healthy organic and natural food to all the kids that stay at the residential treatment center, along with an occasional pizza and ice cream, of course!

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