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Is Alcohol a Drug? And, How to Spot Drug Abuse in Teens

Teenagers are often peer pressured into drinking alcohol, or they find it a right of passage. You see it in the movies, on TV, and you likely experienced a bit of peer pressure to drink when you were young, too.

For some, drinking an alcoholic beverage is nothing more than an acceptable form of entertainment (at the age of 21). Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Though widely accepted, alcohol is a dangerous substance—and some may even call it a drug. 

Is Alcohol a Drug?

Drugs are defined as “a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body”. Alcohol definitely fits that description. When a teen ingests an alcoholic beverage, they may notice a change in their behavior and thought process. It can also impair driving, judgment, and lead to poor decision-making. 

Is Alcohol a Drug That Leads to Other Addictions?

If your teenager is suffering from an addiction to alcohol, they run a higher chance of developing an addiction to other substances too. Depending on the situation, a teenager with opportunity and access to illicit drugs or prescription medication that is under the influence of alcohol may make the decision to try other drugs will impair. Mixing alcohol with certain illegal drugs or even prescription medications can be dangerous and cause serious health concerns. 

For teens with an addictive personality, alcohol may be the gateway to other harmful substance abuse issues. If you think your teenager is in a compromising position, consider registering them for a residential drug treatment center to overcome addiction.

How to Spot Drug Abuse in Teens

Teenagers can be hard to read, but there are sure-fire signs of drug abuse for which you can be on the lookout. Some of the easiest ways to spot drug abuse in teens is to watch for: 

  1. Poor grades and a lack of interest in school

  2. Physical signs, like bloodshot eyes or the smell of smoke

  3. A lack of care in appearance

  4. And unusual tiredness and regular insomnia

If you suspect drug use, it’s best to intervene now and have a conversation with your teenager about why they are engaging in risky behavior. Never blame them, and always let them know it’s because you care about them and their wellbeing. 

Choose Fire Mountain: Residential Treatment Center for Drug Abuse Near Denver, CO

Fire Mountain is a residential treatment center for troubled teens ages 12 to 17. We are well known as the best Denver teen drug abuse residential treatment center and aims to help your child overcome addiction and find their path to joy, fulfillment, and maturity. We offer each resident alcohol and drug-related treatment to help them through the recovery process.

Ready to enroll your child or teen in a Denver drug and alcohol residential treatment center? We are located near Estes Park, Colorado. However, we admit teens from anywhere in the U.S.

To learn more about insurance coverings, financing options, and how to register, contact us online today or give our team a call at (303) 443-3343. On the call, you will speak with an admissions counselor and complete a preliminary assessment to determine whether your teen is a good fit for the program.

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