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How to Talk to a Loved One About Their Addiction

Talking to a loved one—whether its a brother, friend, or neighbor—about addiction is never easy. You want them to seek help, but you don’t want to push them away from you by broaching the subject confrontationally. Here are some helpful tips on how to communicate with loved ones through an addiction.

3 Tips on How to Talk to a Loved One About Addiction

Approach the topic carefully.

Make it safe for them to communicate with you about their addiction. Never force them to talk about it if they are uneasy or afraid to speak. One of the biggest mistakes that the family members and loved ones of drug addicts and alcoholics make is to act confrontational or judgemental when broaching the topic initially. 

Show your support.

Instead of being confrontational and calling them out, consider showing your support. Never make them feel bad for the decisions they’ve made regarding drugs or alcohol. Show your support for their recovery process and do your best to communicate that you are there to keep them on track towards recovery.

Encourage them to seek help.

Addicts already know that what they are doing is wrong. You don’t have to remind them. What they might not know, however, is that help is readily available. Encourage them to seek out a residential treatment facility. Bring resources—like phone numbers, websites, and email addresses—to the conversation to make getting help simple.

Expect this process to take time. Addicts can be incredibly stubborn, and it often takes more than one conversation to convince them that they need to get help.

Choose Fire Mountain: Residential Treatment Center for Drug Abuse Near Denver, CO

Fire Mountain is a residential treatment center for troubled teens ages 12 to 17. We are well known as the best Denver teen drug abuse residential treatment center and aims to help your child overcome addiction and find their path to joy, fulfillment, and maturity. We offer each resident alcohol and drug-related treatment to help them through the recovery process.

Ready to enroll your child or teen in a Denver drug and alcohol residential treatment center? We are located near Estes Park, Colorado. However, we admit teens from anywhere in the U.S.

To learn more about insurance coverings, financing options, and how to register, contact us online today or give our team a call at (303) 443-3343. On the call, you will speak with an admissions counselor and complete a preliminary assessment to determine whether your teen is a good fit for the program.

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